BMA 6.6kV CPP Switchboard Upgrade

6.6kV DB Replacement Project-Successfully delivery during Shutdown
BMA, Goonyella Riverside Mine
Moranbah, Queensland

BRS were engaged by BMA to provide the electrical design and drafting for a new 6.6kV switchboard to replace the sites existing main switchboard at the coal processing plant that has reached its end of life.

BRS provided the engineering services to facilitate the design, integration, factory testing and changeover, whilst still maintaining power to critical 6.6kV plant areas. Design of the new switchboard included integration with existing services, site survey and identification of redundant services, and incorporation of future planned changes to 6.6kV power distribution network.

The final changeover works were completed within the scheduled plant shutdown timeframe. The total scope of the project spanned over 6500 manhours during the shutdown in addition to works completed from the office and factory.

The project was deemed by BMA to be highly successful, completed both ahead of schedule and under budget.

BRS Responsiblities
  1. Electrical Engineering
  2. Site Coordination and Inspection
  3. Electrical Drafting

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